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+263 292241535


We Provide TOP QUALITY Services

Filling, purification, regeneration, oil supply, and sampling/testing of oils are undertaken as well as basic repairs and maintenance work.

We also supply ancillaries for transformers as well as custom made filters for all applications

Oil Regeneration

Regeneration addresses the question of Acidity.

Oil Filling

Different transformers require different methods of filling.

Oil Purification

Our Purification is highly efficient and combine high heat, vacuum coalescing filters, and for polishing.

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Oil Supply

Regen Oil has become a leading oil treatment and supply

oil Sampling/Testing

Regen Oil undertakes all oil sampling, a precise routine governed by laid down practices.

About regen oil company

Time has given us the opportunity to grow from an experience standpoint as whilst we initially had staff with experience, they have had the opportunity to grow to the point where we deal with a vast cross section of equipment, from basic units up to the most strategic.


Oil purification forms an important part of regular preventative maintenance. In the process of purification, water, dirt, and gasses are removed from the Oil using heat and vacuum. This form of treatment is appropriate on “Good to Marginal” quality Transformer Oil that has an acidity value of less than O.INN (mg KOH g of oil). Purification is a PREVENTATIVE maintenance measure for “NON-ACIDIC” oil and should form part of a regular (annual) Preventative Maintenance Programme.