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+263 292241535

Oil Analysis and Oil Cleaning Equipment Specialists

About Regen Oil


Having over 70 years combined experience in the industry; Regen Oil has become a leading oil treatment and supply specialist.

When it was established, there was a limited understanding of the potential life span of oils and the methods available for treatment of all types of oil.

Time has given us the opportunity to grow from an experience standpoint as whilst we initially had staff with experience, they have had the opportunity to grow to the point where we deal with a vast cross section of equipment, from basic units up to the most strategic.

Regen offers a complete service for the monitoring and maintenance of all types of oils and related equipment.

Among our many satisfied customers we are pleased to be able to list.

·        Nampower ABB

·        Botswana Power Eskom

·        Tanesco (Tanzania Electricity Supply Co)

·        Zesco (Zambia Electricity Supply Co)

·        ZENT

·        ZESA

·        Zambia Sugar (Illovo)

·        ZETDC

.        Nimr & Chapman

.        Connollys

·        Triangle Limited

·        Zimasco

·        Petro SA

·        Eskom

Regen operates throughout southern, central, and east Africa servicing agriculture, industry and power supply and distributors. Along the way we have gained an enviable reputation.

Filling, purification, regeneration, oil supply, and sampling/testing of oils are undertaken as well as basic repairs and maintenance work.

The main drive is to provide the customer with a complete solution that substantially increases the life span of both oil and equipment. This in turn proportionately increases efficiency and ultimately reduces damage and waste of natural resources. Hence our motto “Don’t spoil the soil.”


Creating opportunities for Regen, Regen staff as well as those we do business with is the highest priority. Doing it effectively is also of the highest priority. Increasing life span of natural resources and reducing harmful waste in the process is a bonus.

Doing it with complete integrity with emphasis on the environment is nonnegotiable.



This has now become a major part of our business – Different transformers require different methods of filling. In summary on completion of transformer dressing.

·        Vacuum is pulled and held for between 24 and 48 hours.

·        Oil is treated and heated in containers.

·        Samples collected and sent for testing.

·        Transformer filled under vacuum.

·        When oil level is reached vacuum is broken.

·        Transformer topped up.

·        Oil circulated additional 2 passes.

·        Transformer inspected and bled.

·        Final tests undertaken.


General repairs and maintenance carried out by our teams are as follows:

·        Oil leak Repairs using *Power Patch* Repairs done in situ.

·        Breather replacement

·        Replacing of Bushes and other components

·        Cleaning using *Regenerate* our environmentally friendly cleaner. (Also bioremediates flora etc.)

·        Oil Drainage.

·        Vacuum Pulling.

·        In Line Heating.


Oil purification forms an important part of regular preventative maintenance. In the process of purification, water, dirt, and gasses are removed from the Oil using heat and vacuum. This form of treatment is appropriate on “Good to Marginal” quality Transformer Oil that has an acidity value of less than O.INN (mg KOH g of oil). Purification is a PREVENTATIVE maintenance measure for “NON-ACIDIC” oil and should form part of a regular (annual) Preventative Maintenance Programme. The purpose of subjecting nonacidic oil to Purification Treatment is to:




Dielectric Strength:           Improvement of dielectric strength (kV)

Water Removal:            Contain the accumulation of Moisture to less than

                                   20 (PPM) – over a 12-month period

Gas Removal: Eliminate the accumulation of Dissolved Gases held in      suspension in oil.

From fully saturated with air (10 to 12% by volume)

down to less than 0.1 %.


Particle Removal:            Remove impurities in suspension 98% of particles over 0.5 microns.

Non-Acidic Transformer Oil subjected to this form of treatment “Regularly, annually”, will be protected from the effects of the normal aging process (oxidisation – chemical changes and imbalances with impurity accumulations). If not carried out periodically the aging process over a period increases Acidity levels which become a threat to the well being of the transformer.

Our Purification equipment is highly efficient and combine high heat, vacuum coalescing filters, and for polishing – 5micron final filtration.

After treatment of oil reflects a Di-electric strength exceeding 60kV (70kV and above for Virgin Oil) and a moisture content of less than 10PPM. Oil in this condition will enable the transformer to perform its function efficiently and allows that moisture levels be monitored and not arise above the mid 20’s PPM level.

We recommend that this be carried out at least every 12 months



Combustible gases are generated as a Transformer undergoes thermal and electrical stresses over time. Both the oil and cellulose insulating materials breakdown as a result of these stresses to yield gases. The presence and quantity of these individual gases, extracted from the oil and analysed, reveal the type and degree of the condition responsible for the gas generated.

The rate and amount of gas generated is important. Normal ageing produces gases, but at an extremely slow rate. Incipient or newly formed fault conditions cause immediate and noticeable changes in the dissolved gas content of a transformer’s oil. More importantly, an overwhelming majority of these incipient faults give early evidence of a pending failure or fault, and therefore can be detected when a transformer’s oil is analysed. Gas chromatography (GC) is the most practical method available to identify the combustible gases. Degassed oil minimises partial discharge effects caused by inadequate oil impregnation, removes oxygen (the root of oxidation by – products)

There is a total of nine (9) gases found in Transformer oil- of these gases six (6) are combustible. The purpose of the Degassing Treatment is to:

Gas Removal: Eliminate the accumulation of Dissolved Gases held in suspension in oil. From fully saturated with air (10

                      to 12% by volume) down to less than 0.1 %.

Particle Removal Remove impurities in suspension 98% of particles over 0.5 microns.





This particular problem can be attributed to ignoring the essential requirement of a planned PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME – i.e., NEGLECT

The result of such neglect – lack of understanding – misdirected economies is that hour by hour – day by day – week by week – month by month – year by year, moisture ingress into the transformer via leaking gaskets, inefficient breather units has been permitted to proceed unhindered.

Transformer oil is HYGROSCOPIC – it thirsts after Moisture and absorbs moisture to the extent that it becomes SUPER SATURATED – eventually the quantity of Moisture will result in precipitation. Transformers have a built in “SPONGE” the cellulose materials which make up 90% of the solid insulants; these materials are by themselves the very nature of their composition – highly absorbent.

Once Transformer Oil – through lack of regular maintenance (purification) because moisture saturated, the Solid Insulation Materials which were submersed in that” WET” oil absorb the excess moisture to the point where they can absorb and hold up to 4.5% of their dry weight in WATER!!! – Moisture is Water and the core is the heart of the transformer – A RECIPE FOR DISASTER!!!


When the oil in a transformer reaches a stage (due to ageing) where No Maintenance (purification and degassing) have been carried out. Regeneration is the complete treatment of oil back to a “like new condition”. Regeneration addresses the question of Acidity – this is on Transformer oils found to have an Acidity reading more than 0.2NN. Acidic Oil is the “Cancer” which if left unattended and uncorrected attacks the Solid Insulation Materials rendering them brittle and vulnerable to moisture ingress, debilitating the function of the Solid Insulation components.

Deterioration of the Solid Insulation continues apace until ultimately the transformer fails expensively and avoidably!!!!!

Regen Oil unlike its competitors, as a demonstration of its ability, competency, experience, and professionalism would never -suggest- or recommend the replacement of highly Acidic Oil with New Oil to circumvent the Treatment of “Bad Oil”. Such proposals are nothing more than an admission of an inability to deal efficiently with a problem – an easy way out which completely negates the veracity of claims to be able to produce the same quality of work at lower price.

The purpose of subjecting acidic oil to Regeneration Treatment is to:

Dielectric Strength:           Improvement of dielectric strength (kV)

           Acid Removal:                  Equitable to that of Virgin Oil 0.03NN

                                                (Once in a 6/7-year Treatment)

          Particle Removal: Remove impurities in suspension.                

Why is Regeneration necessary?

As oil ages in a transformer, it oxidises and begins to break down. Some of the by-products of this degradation are:





These bind together and form sludge. The sludge attacks the chemical bond, which holds the cellulose insulation together (measured by polymerisation).

When the oils neutralisation number is as low as 0.05, the cellulose insulation is already beginning to weaken. Since the cellulose insulation can only be replaced with a rewind, and the resultant loss of production, it makes sense to remove the oxidation by-products before they damage the cellulose. Since any degradation of the cellulose that occurs cannot be reversed, it is best to remove the oxidation by-products on a regular basis.

The life of the transformer is the life of the cellulose insulation.

Only oil Regeneration methods can remove the sludge found in ageing transformer oil and in the cellulose insulation of the transformer.


The De-sludging process can best be regarded as a “TlURD DEGREE – CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE” measure, reserved for those transformers which have been neglected over a long period of time – never Purified or Regenerated when those services where required or essential commonly called – culpable vandalism.

The De-sludging process is an extension of the Purification and Regeneration treatment carried out at higher temperatures over long periods with the object of returning the quality of the degraded oil to that of BRAND-NEW Transformer Oil and at the same time purging the interior and components of the transformer of sludge accumulations and decay products. The finest solvent for Sludge and decay products is suitably HEATED TRANSFORMER OIL!! By continually passing very hot- clean- dry oil through the through the most badly contaminated Transformer. This method succeeds where all imitators fail. This treatment can be carried out online. (Dependant on oil condition i.e.: Test Results) Regarding the OIL CHANGE  solution the customers pays, of course, for the easy solution, this happens in many ways and costs are always exceeded:

Immediately as new oil is introduced into a transformer requiring De-sludge it becomes contaminated with the sludge remaining in the bottom of the transformer,Core, Radiators, etc. – as it is still contaminated, degradation of the replaced oil occurs within a short space of time as soon as the operating temperature is reached ­basically as soon as replenishment has taken place.

The purpose of subjecting acidic oil to Regeneration Treatment is to:

Dielectric Strength:           Improvement of dielectric strength (kV)

       Acid Removal:                  Equitable to that of Virgin Oil 0.03NN

                                                (Once in a lifetime Treatment)

       Particle Removal: Remove impurities in suspension.                


A term used when a transformer is isolated and treated due to oil analysis results not within specification.

·        Di-electric strength (kV) low

·        Moisture (PPM) high above 40PPM

Due to the above conditions the insulation is rated low and will flash during treatment.


A term used when a transformer is energised and treated due to LABORATORY analysis results being within specification.

·        Di-electric strength (kV) Normal

·        Moisture (PPM) Between 20 and 40PPM

Due to the above conditions the insulation is rated satisfactory.


Regen Oil insists on undertaking all oil sample collections themselves. Sampling is a precise routine governed by laid down practices. Laboratory results are the “launch pad” for all Regen Oil’s treatment recommendations and quotations. It is for this reason that we use independent Laboratories for the testing of Oils, as we feel there would be a conflict of interest if testing were to be carried out in – house. We do however randomly alternate independent laboratories test results as our in house Quality Assurance. All recommended Treatments are as per our recommendation with After Treatment results for record purposes.

·        All results are diagnosed.

·        General Condition Monitoring

·        Trend Analysis

·        Trouble Shooting

·        Recommendations and Advice

·        Quotations

·        Before and After Treatment Result Reports

·        All testing is outsourced.









·        Personnel.


·        Operations management ~ Mark Thomas

·        Technical management – Gus Galloway


•        Site supervisor ~ Watson Muchineauta

•        Operators

•        Operators ~ Moscow Magora

•        Contract Operators

         o Administration.

•        Madeena Hassen


• There are several new operators being trained on an ongoing basis.

o Associated.

We have strategic partnerships where we can draw on additional personnel if necessary


o Purification.

·                                      3800 litre/hour x1

·                                      4500 litre/hour xl

·                                      1800 litre/hour x1

 o Regeneration.

·                                      3000 litre/hour x 1

·                                      3000 litre/hour – on order

o                 Di electric Testers kV (60 kv) x2

o                 Additional.

                  Additional plant is available through our strategic partnerships.






Why is Purification necessary?


The single greatest enemy of any hydraulic system is the ingress of impurities into the system.



            Metal particles


In built filtration systems merely reduce the risks whereas purification eliminates them.

How is purification carried out?

Using Regen Oil’s Fluidex IP 600 Plant, the only unit of its kind presently in Zimbabwe.

The plant is the result of years of intensive research and is used in the U.S.A., Europe, and the Pacific Rim countries.

Results of ISO 11/9 have been achieved with water content of 0%. We normally strive to achieve 17/14 or better with water less than 0.2%

Can purification be carried out online?

Purification can be carried out Online; there is no need to shut the plant down.

Purification can also be carried out Offline; the plant is shut down completely. This allows for complete drainage of the Oil, opening and cleaning of the Sumps where possible.

When should purification be carried out?

We recommend that your Oil be purified bi-annually, once Online, and once Off Line.


Should the Oil be tested?


Yes, independent Laboratories can carry this out. Your individual requirements and the operating environment govern the frequency of testing.

What are the cost savings in purifying the Oil?


Substantial savings can be achieved in the following areas:

Down time: Drastically reduced due to Oil condition monitoring and maintenance.

System Maintenance: Drastically reduced due to the reduction of wear and friction on all moving components, i.e., Pumps, Valves and Cylinders.



Costs: Large savings in System costs can be achieved in the following areas:

              Life span of Hydraulic Oil should be indefinite; carrying out     purification alleviates the necessity to purchase new oil and costs approximately 30 – 35% the cost of new Oil.

              The life span of Pumps, Valves and Cylinders is increased dramatically.

Proactive Oil Maintenance and Analysis Diagnostics.


·       According to the bearings division of TRW – “Contamination is the number one cause of bearing damage that leads to premature removal”.

·       Machine Design Magazine reports – “Less than 10% of all rolling element bearings reach fatigue limit because contamination usually causes wear or spalling failure far earlier.


·       Caterpillar advises – “Dirt and contamination are by far the number one cause of hydraulic system failures.”


·       J. I. Case state that – “One thing holds true about hydraulic systems; the systems must be kept clean ~ spotlessly clean ~ in order to achieve the productivity they are capable of.”

·       Proactive studies by the U.S. Navy show that the cost of contamination on marine and aviation equipment per operating hour exceeds 60% of the cost of fuel per hour on the same equipment.

·       M.I.T. report that – “Six to seven percent of the gross national product (US $ 240 billion) is required just to repair damage caused by mechanical wear; wear is the result of contamination.”

·       Oklahoma State University reports – “ When fluid is maintained ten times cleaner, hydraulic pump life can be extended by fifty times”


•        Mark Thomas ~ IMS (UK)

Mark has been involved in industry from when his work career began in 1979.

His experience has included a vast array of products and services related to mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and power supply.

He became involved in lubes/oil maintenance and supply back in 1989 and has been in this area ever since.

Experience in sales, contracts and logistics allow him to drive the group towards the ultimate goal of being the premier oil treatment company in Africa.

•        Angus Galloway ~ City & Guilds (part 1,2,3 & licentiateship)

Gus did his apprenticeship with the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority and later moved on to ABB where he was running the oil maintenance division.

He joined Regen in 1998 and has been building Regen’s capacity with emphasis on providing quality services.

All site/technical personnel fall directly under Gus and he personally trains all of them to where they can carry out their duties to his complete satisfaction.

•        Area Manager – Watson Muchineauta

•        Site Supervisor – Moscow Magora

•        Operators

These are the operators who we are proud to call Regen men. They undertake their duties with the minimum of fuss and hassle for the customer. They all have experience of dealing with the responsible people on site and carrying out work requested.

•        Madeena Hassen

Madeena joined Regen in 2002, also having been with ABB in Zimbabwe. She carries out all day to day running of the Zimbabwe office and factory. An asset to the team she has the unique skill of seeing things through.


·                 Filling & commissioning of 450 mva Transformers for Nampower

·                 Filling & commissioning of 300 mva transformers at Drakensberg power station. Under contract to P&R for Eskom.

·                 Leak Repairs and onsite regeneration for BCC water supply substations.

·                 Treating & filling of transformers (2x 60mva) at new station outside Dar es Salaam. Under contract to Power Projects (United States) for Tanesco.

·                 De-sludge and Regeneration of six transmission transformers for Botswana Power Corporation.

·                 Bulk oil regeneration for ZESA

·                 Purification of complete estate for Zambia Sugar.

·                 Onsite audits of transformer fleets for several customers complete with comprehensive reports with conclusions and recommendations.

the best Oil treatment and supply services

Having over 5 generations combined experience in the industry; Regen Oil has become a leading oil treatment and supply specialist.

Oil Purification

Our Purification is highly efficient and combine high heat, vacuum coalescing filters, and for polishing.


Regeneration addresses the question of Acidity.

Purification Plant 3

Regen oil

We do All Related Oil treatment and analysis

Regen operates throughout southern, central, and east Africa servicing agriculture, industry and power supply and distributors. Along the way we have gained an enviable reputation.

Our Vision

Regen Oil has become a leading oil treatment and supply specialist. Offering a complete service for the monitoring and maintenance of all types of oils and related equipment. Filling, purification, regeneration, oil supply, and sampling/testing of oils are undertaken.


Time has given us the opportunity to grow from an experience standpoint as whilst we initially had staff with experience, they have had the opportunity to grow to the point where we deal with a vast cross section of equipment, from basic units up to the most strategic.

Core Values

Creating opportunities for Regen, Regen staff as well as those we do business with is the highest priority. Doing it effectively is also of the highest priority. Increasing life span of equipment and natural resources and reducing harmful waste in the process is a bonus.

We're Ready Anytime

We Are Available For Emergency Services

Doing it with complete integrity with emphasis on the environment is nonnegotiable.

For additional help



+263 772 307174