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+263 292241535

Oil purification forms an important part of regular preventative maintenance. In the process of purification, water, dirt, and gasses are removed from the Oil using heat and vacuum. This form of treatment is appropriate on “Good to Marginal” quality Transformer Oil that has an acidity value of less than O.INN (mg KOH g of oil). Purification is a PREVENTATIVE maintenance measure for “NON-ACIDIC” oil and should form part of a regular (annual) Preventative Maintenance Programme. The purpose of subjecting nonacidic oil to Purification Treatment is to:
Dielectric Strength: Improvement of dielectric strength (kV)
Water Removal: Contain the accumulation of Moisture to less than 20 (PPM) – over a 12-month period
Gas Removal: Eliminate the accumulation of Dissolved Gases held in suspension in oil. From fully saturated with air (10 to 12% by volume) down to less than 0.1 %.

Particle Removal: Remove impurities in suspension 98% of particles over 0.5 microns.
Non-Acidic Transformer Oil subjected to this form of treatment “Regularly, annually”, will be protected from the effects of the normal aging process (oxidisation – chemical changes and imbalances with impurity accumulations). If not carried out periodically the aging process over a period increases Acidity levels which become a threat to the well being of the transformer.
Our Purification equipment is highly efficient and combine high heat, vacuum coalescing filters, and for polishing – 5micron final filtration.
After treatment of oil reflects a Di-electric strength exceeding 60kV (70kV and above for Virgin Oil) and a moisture content of less than 10PPM. Oil in this condition will enable the transformer to perform its function efficiently and allows that moisture levels be monitored and not arise above the mid 20’s PPM level.

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